Important victory in a public procurement case

Our Dispute Resolution team successfully represented the Administration of Plungė District Municipality in a public procurement case and achieved another one important victory.

Currently, the Administration of Plungė District Municipality (acting as the contracting authority) carries out a public procurement to award the contract for the execution of the streets reconstruction project in Plungė city. The project (total value of which is approximately 2,2 million EUR) is to be financed by the EU Structural Funds.

The dispute between two tenderers and the contracting authority arose when the Administration of Plungė District Municipality decided to reject their tenders, as they do not comply with the requirements set out in the contract documents. Excluded tenderers disagreed with such decision and brought actions before the Klaipėda Regional Court. Claimants also submitted their requests for interim measures. The Court granted these requests and obliged the contracting authority to suspend the procurement procedures.

Application of interim measures (suspension of the procurement procedures) became a threat to lose a financing from the EU. In response, our team submitted a request to annul interim measures.

The Court of Appeal of Lithuania agreed with the arguments set out in the request, and interim measures were annulled. Therefore, our client will be able to successfully complete the public procurement and implement the important reconstruction project in Plungė city.

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